FAQ and Other Info

Who are you?

I am a middle-aged fan with too much time on her hands.

Okay, but why Neocities? Shouldn't you be on [insert current social media platform that is synonmyous with Old People here].

Personally, I find "traditional" (for lack of a better term) social media exhausting. I burnt out on it quickly. I found myself missing the weird/creative days of trying to build a website on Geocities when I was a tweenager. Needless to say, I'm happy that Neocities exists!

You do realize that this site is ugly, right?

As a matter of fact, I do. ;P I wanted the "authentic" experience when building an old-school website. So, I told myself I would figure it out as I went along, just like when I was young.

What will this site be about?

I'll tell you as soon as I know. Seriously: I tried a theme some time ago. However, fandom burnout (see above) and other things led to me avoiding working on it. Now, I'm just going to do what I feel like and see how that goes.

What are you a fan of?

Lots of things! My tastes are about what one would expect for a middle-aged nerd (so, lots of shows that were on Toonami in the 90s lol). That said, I like newer things as well. Currently, my main fandoms are more or less the following: Sailor Moon, Ronin Warrios/Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, Star Trek (all incarnations), and Fire Emblem (mostly the Fódlan series but I have played everything except the Stellaview and Jugdral games).

So, you'll have that stuff on your website?

Probably! I do plan to host (almost) any fanfic I write in 2023 as well.

Anything else we should know?

My favorite senshi growing up was Venus and my favorite Ronin Warrior growing up was Cye. My Mortal Kombat main is Kitana (shocking). She/her, I'm queer, and I love my cat.

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